Friday, November 9, 2012

     Jesus Don't Like That 

     The other day, I was doing schoolwork, as my grandchildren were playing in my room.  For the most part, I've developed the ability to tune them out-minus the occasional spats that I have to referee.  On this particular day, my 3 year old granddaughter's voice interrupted my thoughts.  "Zach! Jesus don't like that!'  After intervening in the tug-of war for the tv remote, I went about trying to regain my focus on my work.
     "Jesus don't like that" is Kamryn's new saying.  She reminds each of us daily that Jesus don't like us to make her pick up her toys, feed her puppy, or share with her cousins.  But for the most part, she knows that Jesus doesn't like when we do wrong.  As, I was going back to my work, I thought to myself, if only every household could have Kamryn's reminder that, 'Jesus don't like that!'
     Do we not as Christians, have that gentle reminder, deep in our sub-conscious, monitoring our every thought and action?  I hear it daily.  As I step down on the gas pedal because I'm in a hurry, looking in my rear view mirror, hoping not to see flashing lights-I hear, 'Jesus don't like that'.  I begin to entertain a thought of jealousy, or a prideful thought- 'Jesus don't like that'.  I lose my patience and say a word out of anger- 'Jesus don't like that'.
     Just as we are blessed in our household to have Kamryn's constant reminder of what Jesus likes and don't like, Christians are blessed to have the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit guides us into becoming more Christ-like.  When we hear that voice within, we should ease off the gas pedal, dismiss the thought we are entertaining, or hold our tongues in anger.  In doing so, we exhibit self-control, which is a fruit of the Spirit.
     Do you hear that voice saying, 'Jesus don't like that'?


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